Prep Time: 20 mins
Rice:1/2 cup
Water : 1 1/2 cups
Salt to taste
Grated coconut (optional): 1-2 tablespoons
* Rice : Water = 1:3
* If you are using red matta rice, you will need to add more water.
* While giving this to small babies/ children, add some ghee and nicely mash up the rice. Its a great meal by itself, specially when they are sick or have lost appetite.
*We usually make the kanji in a open deep pot.
* If you are using red matta rice, you will need to add more water.
* While giving this to small babies/ children, add some ghee and nicely mash up the rice. Its a great meal by itself, specially when they are sick or have lost appetite.
*We usually make the kanji in a open deep pot.
Wash rice thoroughly and keep it to boil in water until the rice is cooked fully. Make sure the water doesn't completely dry up.It should be semi liquidy. Smash it a little with the back of a spoon or a potato masher. Add salt and grated coconut. Serve hot. Puzukku (lentil curry), Pappad, chamanthi /achaar is all you need with the Kanji to make it one of the best meals ever...