Wednesday, July 18, 2012


Pazhampori is a favorite snack all year round for most “mallu” (Slang for all those lovely people who belong to Kerala) folks. This popular delicacy from Kerala stirs nostalgic memories of our darling mothers making it at teatime or even just hearing to the vendors chime at the railway platforms. For all those who have never tried it, here’s the recipe as simple as it could get because you don’t want to miss this for anything.


Ripe Plantains: 2-3 (Not the squishy ones)
All purpose flour (Maida): 1 Cup
Rice Flour: 1 table spoon
Sugar: 1/2 cup
Turmeric powder: A pinch for color
(Cardamom: 2 Pods+ Cumin seeds (Jeerakam): 1/2 teaspoon) + a pinch of sugar to be powdered in the coffee bean grinder)
Water: 1 cup (Adjust the water to make a semi-liquidy batter)
Oil for deep frying
Start by mixing the all purpose flour (maida), rice flour, turmeric powder and sugar with water to make a fine batter. Rice flour is added for crispness. Corn flour can also be used instead of rice flour. Add the powdered mix (cardamom+ cumin). Slice the plantain length wise into rectangular pieces. Coat the pieces with the batter and deep fry it until almost golden.

Make these fritters and don't forget to share it with your loved ones..


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